Market Monitor - Construction industry - India

Market Monitor

  • India
  • Konstruksjon

19 februar 2015

Problems remain in the building sectors of most of the countries covered in this issue of the Market Monitor. Consequently, the outlook for the construction industry in 2015 remains muted.

Market performance at a glance


  • The Indian construction sector has been facing challenging times in recent years due to political uncertainty, weak investment cycles, subdued business confidence, and delays in land acquisition/clearance processes.
  • The outlook for 2015 has improved due to a better business environment and large infrastructure projects launched by the new government.
  • However, on-the-ground recovery is expected to be a gradual process as the sector still deals with structural constraints.
  • Construction companies remain highly leveraged, and obtaining financial support for projects remains a challenge. However, banks have increased loans to the sector.
  • Payments in the construction sector take between 90-120 days on average.
  • We continue to maintain a cautious approach in underwriting this sector.
  • Besides financial information, we assess trading experience with buyers and monitor any changes in payment behaviour. We also assess the strength of the customer–buyer relationship.
  • We would generally not encourage customers to lengthen their normal terms of payment.

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